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Listen to Elise talk about growing Saltzberg Consulting

Saltzberg Consulting • Feb 11, 2019

Elise shares her story on the Market Smart's podcast, "How I Built My Fundraising Consultancy"

Market Smart is a company that helps charities enhance their fundraising through marketing and technology. (If you're a fundraiser who wants to boost lead generation and cultivation efforts, see below for valuable free resources.) I learned about Market Smart when they asked me to be a guest on their podcast,”How I Built My Fundraising Consultancy.”

It was a great experience, and I invite you to listen to the program. (If you want to jump to certain topics, use the Topic Timestamps below to guide you or read the transcript below.)

Topic Timestamps

Introduction [00:00]

What inspired you to start your business? [02:33]

Home/Client Time Split? [03:21]

Are your clients local? [03:56]

Where did your interest in grants come from? [04:18]

Your background in psychology? [05:09]

How’d you decide to get into fundraising? [05:45]

What aspects of fundraising do you enjoy? [07:34]

What was it like working for a larger national nonprofit? [08:14]

How did you expand to include now 6 other consultants? [09:32]

Grant Research [10:36]

How has the business changed since you started it? [12:25]

What kind of clients do you work with? [13:21]

The “Are You Ready” form [14:56]

Any tough lessons you’ve learned? [16:16]

What are your favorite tools? [16:45]

Lightning Round [20:03]

Free Market Smart Resources for Fundraisers

Here are links to just some of their FREE fundraising resources:






Welcome to, “How I Built My Fundraising Consultancy” the stories behind the people driving results in the nonprofit sector.

We're here today with Elise Saltzberg. Welcome to the podcast. First off, please introduce yourself and what Saltzberg Consulting does.

Saltzberg Consulting is a fundraising consulting firm. I would say about 80% of what we do is grant related, either grant prospecting or grant writing, grant editing, grant reporting. The other 20% would be every other sort of fundraising, like annual fundraising and major gifts. I tend not to do much with capital campaigns and I also don't get involved too much with special events. If one of my clients wants to throw a party, I usually refer them to someone else.

Is the decision not to work with capital campaigns just because it is such a monumental endeavor to undertake?

There are just other consulting firms out there that do that. I let them

do their thing and they let me do my thing.

The Inspiration to Start

So what inspired you to start your business almost twenty years ago?

I had been working at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in Washington DC and I live in Baltimore so I was taking the MARC train down to DC and the commute was kind of getting to me. I had little kids and after awhile I just couldn't do the commuting anymore. I was a stay home mommy for a while and then I decided it was time to go back to work.

I knew I didn't want to go back to Washington so I started my own consulting practice, primarily so I could also be a mom at the same time. It worked out really well, because now my commute is from the upstairs of my house to the downstairs of my house.

Dividing Time Between Home and Clients

That's awesome. I’m very familiar with the MARC train. I've taken it many times from the airport back to home in DC where I'm based out of. So how do you split your time between being on-site at clients' offices versus working at your house?

Almost all of my work is done from home. I have a home office that's got everything that you could imagine. I have a couple of clients I've never actually met in person. Between email and phone calls, there's never been a reason to meet them in person.

I would say that at least once a week I like to get out of the house either go meet with a client or a prospective client or a colleague just sit and talk shop.

Where the Clients Are

And do you find most of your clients are locally based or do you try to branch out to other parts of the country?

Most of my clients are here in Maryland I have a couple who are outside of Maryland. Within Maryland, it's primarily Baltimore County and Baltimore City. I have a few in Prince George's County and somebody in Hagerstown. But mostly it's local.

Developing an Interest in Grant Writing

You mentioned grants was a big part of what your consultancy does. Where did your initial interest in that kind of work come from?

I figured out that I wrote my first grant in 1981. I know I'm dating myself!

I was living in Anderson, Indiana, and I was the Executive Director of an organization called Women's Alternatives. As part of the job of an Executive Director, I was doing a lot of fundraising, and the grantwriting part of it came very easily to me. My mother's a high school English teachers, so I learned how to write. That was where I found my most success in subsequent jobs. I always lean towards that part of the fundraising.

When I was at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, nearly all the funding at that time came from foundations. So grant writing was a big part of what I did.

Educational Background

Something I noticed in your background was that in college you studied psychology. Did that have any kind of influence on your perspective for the work you do in fundraising?

It was actually animal behavior in experimental psychology. I wasn't counseling that much or analyzing people or anything like that. I worked with rats and mice in the lab. What I do now isn't directly related to that, but I learned science and I learned how to be a critical thinker. That would certainly help anybody in any part of their life.

Becoming a Professional Fundraiser

That certainly would help. How’d you decide that you wanted to actually start working for nonprofits and do fundraising work?

I kind of fell into it. I was in grad school at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. As I said I was working with rats and mice it was bothering me, because I felt like we were kind of torturing these animals – not so much in my lab but in the labs next to me were cats and dogs and chimpanzees, and they were planting electrodes in their brains and doing all kinds of things that I thought were just terrible.

In my lab the only thing that we did was starve the animals because we had to keep them on 80% body weight to get them to perform the behaviors that we were training them in. I would go in on the weekends and feed the pigeons and the rats and so Monday mornings everybody's experiments were all messed up. But anyway, I did that for a year and I just couldn't do it anymore so I left.

I was married at that time, and my husband got a job in Terre Haute, Indiana. Then we moved to Anderson, Indiana and I became a counselor at Women's Alternatives, as I mentioned. This was a shelter for battered women and their children, and we had services for rape crisis survivors. I was a counselor for three years. When the Executive Director was leaving, the Board asked me to apply for the Executive Director position.

As part of the interview they asked me if I knew how to raise money and write grants. I said, "oh yeah, sure I can do that.” They hired me as the Executive Director and I found out pretty quickly that a big part of the job of an Executive Director for that type of an agency is raising money and that was the part that I really liked the best. I was really good at it, so every job I've had since then has always been a fundraising position.

The Joys of Fundraising

What aspects of fundraising do you really enjoy?

Certainly building relationships with donors is a big big part of fundraising. It’s something that some organizations don't really understand.

Sometimes a client or a prospective client will call me and say, "Can you write a template grant for us that we can send around to a bunch of different foundations?” No, I won't do that because every funder is different and you have to talk to them first and build the relationship before you just blindly send grant applications.

It's like applying for a job and proposals are your cover letter. It’s very obvious if you don't know anything about the company you're applying for.

Working with NonProfits – Large and Small

Exactly. What was it like transitioning from a very local nonprofit in Indiana to a much more you know national organizations like Friends of the Earth?

Well the scale was much different. Our annual budget at Women's Alternatives was about $160,000. I think at Friends of the Earth we were raising about ten times that much. When I left the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, we were about $4 million annual budget. Now it's probably $40 million annual budget.

That’s a big jump. Did the work you did feel different with the scale being so much different – or did it feel kind of the same, just with different numbers?

It was definitely different at the Center on Budget. You're dealing with the big boys. We would be talking to the people at the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation and the board of directors was, and still is, a nationally recognized board with really, really incredibly wonderful people on it. Not to knock Women's Alternatives, but the board there was nice local people who wanted to help these families. So, yes it was on a different level.

Building the Business – Bringing on Associates

Your business now has grown to include six other consultants. When did you start expanding, and what roles needed to be filled at the very beginning of that expansion?

When I started out in 2000 as a sole proprietorship, I had a few clients. My first client was the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. I think it’s true for a lot of start ups that the first client of the consultancy is your former employer. I grew from there and I grew to the point where I really had more work than I could do myself.

I had a friend who was available, and it kind of fell into place. She's still one of my associates. The associates do primarily the grant writing and I'm doing more editing than writing, which is fine with me and it's fine with them. I have very strong writers on my team.

Occasionally my associates work directly with a client, but most of the time it comes through me. It’s still Saltzberg Consulting, and because my name is on it I keep pretty tight quality control on the finished product.

With grant writing there's quite a bit of research involved in drafting proposals, and those six consultants are doing that work as well, during that writing process?

We have a saying in the field, “If you've seen one foundation, you’ve seen one foundation.” Every foundation is different. They all have their own special challenges. For example, the majority of applications are now done through online portals, but they’re all different. Some of the formats are very tight – you might have 800 characters to write your mission statement, your vision statement, your organizational history, and what you're proposing to do now. Other ones are more open-ended and you can write as much as you want. Some foundations are still doing paper applications and want you to submit 11 copies, so that they can give them to their 11 board members. You have to make copies and bring them to the organization.

You have to give them what they want, and that's part of the deal. They're the ones with the money, and if they say they want 11 copies you have to make 11 copies. The part that’s a little bit frustrating is that they really want you to keep your administrative costs low – like zero –but these copies, which are part of administrative costs, are 15 cents a page!

Evolution of the Business

How has business changed since you began – is it just that you have more work and you’re editing instead of doing the original writing?

I'm still the one who has the primary contact with the clients. I usually have 10 to 12 clients going at a time. For some clients, I’m basically their development staff, and they just say, “You write it will sign it and they really just kind of let me do my thing. Other clients are much more hands-on. They want to see draft number 1, draft number 2, draft number 5, draft number 7, etc.

That's unusual. Most of the time when I give a draft to a client, it's a pretty solid close-to-final version. I’ll use little comment boxes in the margin or yellow highlighting to say, “Look at that section on page 3. That's the part that you really need to focus on.” That’s what they'll focus on and the rest of it they might look at it or they might not.

Finding the Right Clients

What kind of clients do you work with?

I have education, housing, community development, disabilities – just about every category out there I have in my portfolio. If I had to say what my sweet spot is, it's more based on their annual budget. Most of my clients are in the range of about a half a million up to about $4-5 million.

If they have a bigger budget than that, they don’t really need me, because they have their own development department. I do have some large clients that they use me when their own staff is at capacity and need extra help.

Clients who are smaller than about $500,000 a year annual budget may need my help, but they don't have money to pay me. And when you're going after Foundation grants or government grants, if you're a really small organization with one or two staff people the reality is that you're not going to be competitive with most grant applications.

Foundations want to see that you've got the infrastructure to do whatever it is that you're proposing to do. A lot of foundations are leery of going for a really small organization that just doesn't have the capacity or that's an all-volunteer organization.

When Potential Clients Aren’t a Good Fit

I was exploring your website and notice that you have this, "Are You Ready to Apply for a Grant?” page. Has that been a useful tool for gaining new business?

It is amazingly useful. It's not a tool for getting new clients. It’s a tool for not getting new clients.

So it's like a filter?

Exactly. If somebody calls me and I can tell within you know a 10 or 15 minutes phone call that they're not ready, what I’ll do is I'll send them to my website and have them go through that little checklist and come back when they are ready. It’s a waste of my time and their money if they really don't have the things in place that you need to apply to for grant funding, such as:

  • Do you have a program?
  • Do you have a way of measuring your outcomes?
  • Do you have a board of directors?
  • Do you have a 501(c)(3) designation?

By the way, if you don't have a 501(c)(3) you can always get a fiscal sponsor, so I don’t want to leave the impression that you’re not ready if you don't have a 501(c)(3), because that's not true. You do need to have a real program, and you really need to have a plan for operating your program and measuring your program’s impact. If you don't have all those things, it's just not going to be a good fit for you to go apply for grants.

Hard Lessons

Are there any hard lessons you learned in the first couple years – if you were doing again what would you do differently from day one?

Just to not bite off more than I can chew. At the beginning, I was very reluctant to bring in associates. I just wanted to do everything myself. I had this idea that it wasn't right to make money off of other people's labor. That’s the anti-capitalism part of me. In the first couple years that was definitely an issue for me.

Grant Research

Do you have any favorite tools you use in the grant writing process, whether it's research or the actual writing?

Well for the research, GuideStar is about the best thing out there. We look up 990s on GuideStar and see who’s on the board. We see who they're giving money to. We see what size of grants they're giving, and you can do a lot of good grant research from GuideStar.

Do you end up putting that information into some kind of repository – an application that organizes the information, so when you're actually doing the writing you can reference it more easily?

If I have a client who wants grant research, I usually give them the information in an Excel spreadsheet. It will have a series of columns. The information comes from GuideStar, the Foundation Center, or GrantStation, which are also excellent resources. The columns will show the name of the foundation, contact information, area of interest, and the types of grants they are interested in. For example, if the focus is education – are they K through 12? Are they focused on girls’ education? Are they focused on STEM education?

The spreadsheet also shows the range of grants that they give. For example, is this a $10,000 foundation, a $50,000 foundation, or a $500,000 foundation? We also include: how to apply; deadlines; whether they have an online application; if they want an LOI or a full proposal; and any other relevant information.

When I put together a spreadsheet like this for a client, there might be 25 or 30 different foundations, which is just too many to focus on at one time. We’ll pick out the top five or six and say, “Okay, these are going to be our priorities for this next six months.”

How we make that prioritization will depend sometimes on the deadlines. If there's one that's got a once a year deadline of March 1st and we’re in February that's the one we're going to be working on. Sometimes it'll be because there's a relationship; that funder is known to the client, or they look at the board list and say, “Oh I know so-and-so on the board. I can call him or I can call her right away. That one becomes a priority funder. Or it’s just a good match. You look at the what they say they want to fund, and that's what you want to do. That's golden. That's what you're really looking for is a good match between what the funder says they want to fund and what you're doing.

Lightning Round Q&A

Let's get to the lightning round – a series of quick questions and answers. What's the best piece of business advice you've ever received?

Rob Sheehan at University of Maryland talks about the VOCA world, which stands for, “Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous.” This is the world that we live in. And this is what you have to think about all the time – how everything's changing. Everything's confusing. Everything's ambiguous. You have to be flexible and be able to deal with uncertainty and complexity. Sometimes it's hard.

What book would you recommend to those getting started in the consulting world?

Alan Weiss has written a bunch of books. One title is Million Dollar Consulting . Every page there's something that’s useful information for consultants. It’s been my bible, my go-to book.

Do you have a favorite personal productivity habit?

To figure out what time of the day is the best time for you. I'm most productive in the mornings, so I try and not schedule meetings in the mornings, because that's my work time. I’ll schedule a meeting for a lunch or in the afternoon, when I'm sort of fading. I can get my best work done from 7:00 a.m. till 10:30 or 11:00 in the morning. That’s my peaked productivity time.

Do you have a favorite subscription you're signed up for?

A blog called Nonprofit AF ( ).

What's one of your most important passions outside of work?

My family, my kids are my first priority. And second is fundraising. I do a lot of volunteer fundraising in addition to work fundraising.

What’s the most common error you see nonprofits make?

It would be what we talked about earlier, just willy-nilly sending out grant proposals to everybody they can think of, without actually researching or trying to build a relationship first. It’s generally not going to be successful to randomly send out proposals.

Where can people find more information about your services?

On my website, which is There's a phone number there as well, on the Contact page. I'm happy to talk to people on the phone.

I love talking about fundraising. It’s my favorite topic!

Fantastic. Thank you so much for your time today, Elise. It’s been great chatting with you.

Thank you.

By Dondra Ward 15 Oct, 2023
Suppose you have decided to hire a grant writing company or freelancer. In that case, you may wonder about the best way to pay. First, your organization and the grant writing company will need to agree to the scope of the services and how much you will pay and sign a contract with the terms of the agreement. One of the details outlined in the contract is the payment terms. When is payment for grant writing expected? Grant writing companies differ a lot in when they take payment. They may require all or a portion of the price at the beginning. They may send you an invoice at the end of the project. They may offer a payment plan or a retainer fee for a certain amount of services provided. At SGR, we charge either all or 50 percent of the payment for federal grants before a project begins. The length of the project determines the remaining costs. When the project is near completion, the final payment is due. Our retainer packages have quarterly payments. How is payment received? Grant writers and grant writing companies may take payment via check, money order, or electronic payment. There is little difference between paying a grant writer and another service provider. At SGR, we send and accept electronic payments via ACH, bank transfer, or credit card. Are grant writers paid on commission or a percentage of the grant award? We can guarantee that most grant writers expect payment when services are delivered. Which means grant writers do not work on contingency (paid if the grant is awarded) or commission (paid a percentage of the grant award). This is because many grantmaking organizations only allow grant funds to pay for services provided after the award, which excludes grant writing. Therefore, nonprofits should pay for grant writing services whether a grant application is accepted or declined. As members of the Grant Professionals Association, our organization adheres to the GPA Code of Ethics , which states the following regarding compensation.: "Compensation: 17. Members shall work for a salary/wage or fee. Pro bono work is also allowable. 18. Members may accept performance-based compensation, such as bonuses, provided such bonuses are in accordance with prevailing practices within the members' own organizations and are not based on a percentage of grant monies. 19. Members shall not accept or pay a finder's fee [3], commission [4], or percentage compensation based on grants and shall take care to discourage organizations from making such payments. 20. Compensation should not be written into grants unless allowed by the funder." How can my organization afford a grant writer? Nonprofits may pay for grant writing services from cash on hand, unrestricted funds, individual donations, general operating funds, earned income, or from their salary accounts. In addition, some organizations can apply for capacity-building grants to hire a grant writer. The majority of SGR's grant-writing customers are established organizations with multiple sources of revenue. They pay for grant writing with cash on hand, operating funds, and unrestricted funds. Key Takeaways Knowing how and when you will need to pay for grant writing is as important as picking the right grant writer. How to pay for grant writing will differ by each company or freelancer The details will be outlined in your contract or agreement. A few things to remember: 1) Grant writers are discouraged from working on commission or contingency, so most charge an hourly rate or flat fee; 2) You can expect to pay for a portion or all of the fee upfront before services start. There may be payment plans available or retainer packages for long term projects; and 3) Your organization should set aside funds to cover the cost of the contract from an approved expense account.
15 Sep, 2023
I wanted to share this article by Alan S. Davis, president of the Leonard and Sophie Davis Fund and board chair of the Excessive Wealth Disorder Institute, which appeared in Candid's Philanthropy News Digest . It points out that while involvement of the ultra-wealthy in philanthropy can bring tremendous positive change, this generosity should be accompanied by a sense of responsibility and civic duty. This isn't always the case. Davis describes the situation this way: Many Americans generously contribute to various philanthropic causes, driven by the desire to make a positive impact, whether through small acts of kindness or significant monetary donations. However, the concept of charity can have a different meaning for the ultra-rich, often becoming a calculated strategy to accumulate wealth disguised as philanthropy. While contributions made by the wealthy play a crucial role in supporting nonprofit organizations, hospitals, and educational institutions, it comes at a substantial cost. For every $100 donation made by a wealthy donor—with at least $2 million in annual income—they can receive $40 in tax breaks and up to $90 if they donate certain types of stock. Americans in lower income brackets, if they itemize charitable deductions at all, receive considerably less for their charitable giving. Visit Candid's Philanthropy News Digest to read the full article, which points out how remarkable progress could be achieved in addressing the world’s most pressing challenges, if more of the ultra-wealthy engaged in genuine philanthropy.
By Emma Saltzberg 18 Aug, 2023
Imagine you’ve earned a competitive bonus at work. You’ve spent time demonstrating your worth and value to the organization, and finally, your hard work has paid off. Then, your supervisor tells you—as if you must have known—sure, you’ll earn an extra $8,700, just as soon as you pay us $1,800 of your own money. This scenario parallels what happened to my organization when applying for a federal grant—multiplied by 10. After months of effort on my part as a development professional, and that of my colleagues, we were ecstatic to receive nearly $87,000 in funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). I worked at a synagogue, and we planned to use the funds to renovate our building so as to be more secure and protected from antisemitic attacks (which increased by 275% in NYC in 2021). Later, we were informed that $18,000 of the total grant originally awarded was no longer permissible under the terms of the grant. That amount was to be used for maintaining compliance with landmarks rules—a requirement for renovation of any building with historic significance—which FEMA said was not directly applicable towards preventing terrorism. As that budget line was integral to the execution of the project, if we wanted to complete it and receive the remaining funds, we would have to pay. Fortunately, I worked for a large organization, and they were able to provide the additional $18,000 from the capital budget. Yet, if it were a small grassroots organization, what would we have done? Due to the investments required, the unfortunate reality is that those organizations which most need the funding may be least likely to receive it. For many small organizations, this cash outlay would be impossible. Furthermore, the scenario described above only becomes an issue if an organization is able to receive the grant in the first place. This itself would be extremely difficult without funds to hire a professional grant-writer and/or the capacity to devote staff hours towards development. Grants should not only be accessible to large, established groups. The disparity between large and small organizations is also related to race and diversity, as leaders of color report smaller budgets on average than white nonprofit leaders. Also, unrestricted net assets of Black-led organizations are on average 76% smaller than those of white-led organizations. Edgar Villanueva, author of Decolonizing Wealth, has coined the term “racial philanthropy gap.” There is abundant evidence that this funding disparity is pervasive, both between large and cemented organizations when compared to small and grassroots ones, as well as between white- and BIPOC-led organizations. For instance, only 9 to 12% of funding from the 1,000 largest U.S. foundations goes towards projects that are intended for minority populations. The barriers to entry for fruitful grant applications are quite high. There is a capacity paradox whereby an organization with small capacity can’t apply for and receive a grant, and therefore can’t use the funds to increase their capacity, thus perpetuating this cycle. A smaller organization would be faced with much tougher choices than mine was: should they invest the money to hire a grant-writer to increase the chances of receiving the grant, or should they delegate the responsibility of grant writing and additional work hours to a singular development professional, or even their executive director? Worst of all, even if they do receive the grant, will there be sufficient flexibility in the budget to produce the additional resources needed? To be clear, I do believe that funders genuinely want to distribute their money to those applicants who propose the best ideas and the strongest projects, and not just the most visible candidates or established organizations. In fact, in the last two decades, FEMA has distributed over $54 billion to organizations across the country, large and small, to prevent domestic terror attacks. I urge funders—whether governmental or as trustees of a foundation—and the philanthropy sector as a whole, to actively combat the ways in which the cards are stacked against small organizations. One of the most effective ways for funders to do so is by diversifying their boards of directors and ensuring they are representative of the target population. Homogenous boards are susceptible to groupthink, which makes them less effective in serving their communities. I also recommend that when reviewing grant proposals, funders group organizations by the size of their annual budgets and select winners from each category. This way, small organizations are compared to one another rather than to larger organizations, and we can begin to level the playing field. When traditional power structures are challenged in this way, barriers to entry for receiving equitable funding fall away. Increasing representativeness among those who distribute the resources should result in a more equitable distribution of those resources, and ultimately, that the true recipients will be those people we set out to serve. It is my hope that, beginning with this small step, grassroots organizations run by people of color could be funded as thoroughly as larger organizations with pre-existing resources. The original posting, can be found on the Wagner Review website.
By Nancy Easterling 03 Mar, 2022
In February 2022, Elise Saltzberg and several other nonprofit professionals testified in support of Maryland Senate Bill 245, which would provide much needed funding to the NIMBL program. (To learn more see our 2018 post Interest-Free, Micro Bridge Loans Now Available for Maryland Nonprofits! ) Nancy Easterling is the Executive Director of Historic Sotterley, Inc. Her testimony before the Senate was so compelling that we invited her to share her experience of NIMBL with our readers. For the past 13 years I have served as the Executive Director for Historic Sotterley, Inc., a 300-year-old National Historic Landmark, UNESCO Site of Memory for the Slave Route Project, and historic museum site which interprets our complex, and often difficult, shared history. Sotterley offers a full range of programming to include education programs and field trips, tours, cultural events, recreational opportunities, a working farm that donates produce to our local community, our Common Ground Initiative supported by our Descendant community, and much more. Historic Sotterley is truly an exceptional educational and cultural resource for our community, our State, and our Nation. Historic Sotterley is unlike many museums, however, in that it is not owned by a county, state or federal government, and its does not have an endowment to support its operations. This means we need to earn and work for every dollar to support our efforts and our mission, and this makes for a pencil-thin budget with often no reserve accounts to serve as a cushion. Despite our challenges, we have never wavered in our dedication to improving how we serve our community, and we have made many advancements over the years of which we are incredibly proud. Generous grants have been responsible for many of these important projects and advancements. There are many grants which I have hesitated to apply for, however, because I know that most governmental grants work on a reimbursement basis which is difficult for small organizations like ours. Cash flow is everything for a small nonprofit, and we typically do not have funds in reserve to fall back on. It can sometimes take months and months after paying a bill to work our way through the reimbursement process, and we have had to draw on our operational line of credit which then incurs interest payments we will not be reimbursed for, as well as tying up our line of credit and making it unavailable for critical operational expenses such as payroll. We have even had to delay paying other bills when funds became too tight, hoping somehow that the people to whom we owe money will be understanding. When the Nonprofit Interest-Free Micro Bridge Loan (NIMBL) program became available, needless to say I was ecstatic, and to date we have used it twice. The first time was for a $100,000 Bond Bill from the State, and while we were about halfway through the project at the time we applied, it was getting harder and harder to make cash-flow work. The NIMBL funds did not see us entirely though the project, but it helped us through a difficult period. We applied for our second loan to support our $100,000 African American Heritage Preservation Program grant, and this time we had to wait until others repaid their loans before funds could be made available since the pool of funds was so small. I quickly went through the $25,000, but I had to pay it back as soon as I received our grant reimbursements and could not continue to recycle these funds throughout the course of the grant. I was incredibly grateful to have received both loans, but if more funds become available for NIMBL, perhaps the loan amounts can be increased, or repayments delayed, allowing for continued use of loan funds. NIMBL has been a godsend to Historic Sotterley and it can offer the same relief for other nonprofits, all of which are serving our communities and making them a better place, but which need help with cash flow during their governmental grant projects.
By Elise Saltzberg 11 Aug, 2021
UPDATE: October 2021: Henry Bogdan, Director of Public Policy at Maryland Nonprofits, has identified some of the drawbacks to the ACE Act. In the interest of reining in the for-profit companies that have zero incentive to encourage donors to ever give money to charities out of their DAF’s, the ACE Act may also hurt some community foundations, Jewish federations, and other organizations that do have a charitable mission. Read his statement here: In our December 2020 blog post ( “It’s Time for Foundations and Donor Advised Funds to Give More!” ) we urged readers to sign a petition asking Congress to change the tax code to channel billions of dollars to worthy causes – dollars that are warehoused in Donor Advised Funds (DAFs), where they can remain forever under current tax rules. The GOOD NEWS is that a bipartisan bill has been introduced in the US Senate known as the “Accelerating Charitable Efforts Act” or the “ACE Act,” which will change the rules for DAFs. What’s In the Act The ACE Act goes right to the heart of the issue with DAFs. Under the current Internal Revenue Code, donors receive a tax deduction when they contribute money to their DAF. But there is no incentive for them to ever distribute these funds. As a result, this money is only benefitting the financial institutions that manage it, not the charitable organizations that should receive it. According to the Associated Press: “That criticism has helped drive a Senate bill that would tighten the rules for DAFs and aim to speed the transfer of donations to charities. The bill, introduced by Sens. Angus King, a Maine independent, and Chuck Grassley, an Iowa Republican, appears to be gaining bipartisan support in Congress.” The provisions of the ACE Act are hardly onerous, and only apply to DAFs over $1 million. Wealthy donors will still be able to take tax deductions upfront, but they must distribute DAF funds in a timely manner. Why it Matters As the holder of a DAF myself, I’m mystified that any donor would choose not to distribute their funds, especially as the money can’t be use for anything else. But that’s what’s happening: There’s an estimated $142 billion sitting idle in DAFs – money that could be doing so much good in the hands of charitable organizations. Opposition to the Act Sadly, not everyone supports the ACE Act. An appalling number of foundation and nonprofit leaders want to retain what amounts to a pointless tax deduction for wealthy donors – instead of channeling much needed funds to organizations that support the most vulnerable among us. Opponents of the Act claim that tighter restrictions on DAFs are unnecessary because the average annual payout rates are around 20% – way above the 5% that’s required for private foundations. But that 20% number is deceptive. Some donors send a large percentage of their funds to charities every year, and their DAFs are essentially a pass-through. Others give nothing at all, and legally they can do nothing for decades. Again, according to the Associated Press, “A June report by the Council of Michigan Foundations showed that 35% of DAFs sponsored by Michigan community foundations distributed no money in 2020, a year marked by enormous need because of the viral pandemic.” Revising DAF tax breaks is more important than ever. In the past decade, there’s been a 300% growth in DAF accounts. More than 12% of charitable donations now go into DAFs. The more money that flows into DAFs, the greater the need to require disbursement. From what I’ve seen,, the bill’s main opponents are for-profit companies and other entities that garner a percentage of every dollar that is sitting in a DAF. If DAFs paid out more money, there would be less money to collect these fees on. Personally, as a DAF holder, I want my money to go to worthy causes, not financial institutions! Voice Your Support on Social Media If you agree that the ACE Act is ultimately in everyone’s best interest, show your support on social media. Raise awareness by publicly calling out the ACE Act’s opponents in Congress. Here are suggestions for what to say and which representatives to focus on:
Fundraiser expressing frustrations about poorly designed application form.
By Elise Saltzberg 12 Feb, 2021
Fundraising is challenging enough without application forms that waste time and cause confusion. #FixTheForm is an international, grassroots movement aimed at streamlining the grant seeking process for the benefit of funders and fundraisers alike.
Emergency Charity Stimulus Now
By Elise Saltzberg 31 Dec, 2020
2020 was a tough, even devastating, year for so many people in the US and around the world. And those of us who work in the nonprofit sector have seen first hand the suffering that so many have experienced. At the same time, billions of dollars are sitting, unused, in foundation accounts and donor advised funds. As shocking as that fact is, these foundations and funds are within their rights to do so; they are simply following rules put in place by the federal government. Change Must Start with Congress As a development consultant for nonprofits and as a holder of a donor advised fund, I’m well aware that U.S. tax rules award substantial benefits to the wealthy when they donate to their foundations and donor advised funds. At the same time, these rules allow the foundations and donor advised funds to stockpile funds – in some cases for decades – with little or no mandate to channel the money to actual working charitable organizations. The U.S. tax code has long recognized the societal benefits of charities and the need to incentivize wealthy donors to support them. But the balance between the two has never been perfect. Over time, the tax code has been modified multiple times to close loopholes and rectify situations where charitable donations were used in ways that were inconsistent with the spirit of the laws that governed them. It is time for Congress to once again address systemic flaws that currently allow foundations to limit the grantmaking to 5% of total assets and to shield their grant activity from public scrutiny by granting dollars to donor advised funds. Additionally, there is no distribution mandate whatsoever for donor advised funds, whose assets now total over $120 billion, according to the National Philanthropic Trust. The "Rainy Day" Is Here Many foundations and donor advised funds have responded to the challenges of this year’s unprecedented pandemic. However, their grantmaking doesn’t come close to meeting the needs of the current crisis – as the pandemic rages and unemployment remains stubbornly high, people are pulling money out of their retirement savings to pay for current expenses, and others are faced with impossible choices between food and heat or medicine. Whole communities, especially communities of color, are suffering needlessly, while more than a trillion dollars in assets are sitting idle, waiting for a “rainy day.” Folks, the “rainy day” is here – and it’s torrential. Now is the time to channel a much higher percentage of donated funds to front-line charities serving those in desperate need. Time for a Sector-Wide Effort It’s heartening to see that some wealthy donors and foundations are pressuring Congress to act. Billionaire philanthropists, including John and Laura Arnold, Seth and Beth Klarman, and Kat Taylor, as well as the heads of the Ford, Hewlett, Kellogg, and Kresge foundations, announced that they have joined forces to press Congress to take action to speed up distributions from foundations and donor-advised funds. And MacKenzie Scott has shown tremendous leadership by giving away 6 billion dollars this year, mostly to small charities and non-profits. I say, let’s make this a sector-wide effort. Each of us can commit to doing our part to raise awareness and encourage Congress to see that tax deductions for the wealthy lead to genuine benefits for the individuals, families, and communities that are struggling like never before. Please Sign the Emergency Charity Stimulus Petition If you agree that it’s time for Congress to act, please sign the Emergency Charity Stimulus petition , created by the Institute for Policy Study’s Charity Reform Initiative. Increasing the required annual payout from foundations from 5% to 10% and increasing the required payout from donor advised funds from 0% to 10% would redeploy $200 billion to charities over the next three years. And this will cost the U.S. Treasury nothing since these dollars have already benefited from the tax deductions that they received in prior years. I encourage you to post a link to the petition on your website and/or social media. (Feel free to share this blog post.)
By Elise Saltzberg 16 Sep, 2020
Like most of my colleagues in the nonprofit sector, I was outraged by the brutal killing of George Floyd who died, like so many others, because of the color of his skin. The focus on Black Lives Matter sparked by Floyd’s death has gotten me thinking a lot about racial equality in different areas of my life, particularly in the nonprofit world. One of the questions I’ve contemplated is this: How does it feel for a person of color to work in the nonprofit sector, where white women are the dominant culture? That question planted the first seed for this blog. I’ve been thinking about this for the past few months and decided that now is the time to write this post. Now is the time to dig deeper, not to look the other way. In fact, this moment in history reminds me of a speech that most people have never heard or long ago forgotten. Before Martin Luther King inspired the world with his Dream speech, during the 1963 March on Washington, a lesser known man took the stage. Rabbi Joachim Prinz called on this audience to look at what was happening in the United States and take action. Rabbi Prinz told the thousands gathered on the Mall that day: As Americans we share the profound concern of millions of people about the shame and disgrace of inequality and injustice which make a mockery of the great American idea... When I was the rabbi of the Jewish community in Berlin under the Hitler regime, I learned… that bigotry and hatred are not “the most urgent problem.” The most urgent, the most disgraceful, the most shameful and the most tragic problem is silence… America must not become a nation of onlookers. America must not remain silent. Not merely black America, but all of America. Rabbi Prinz’s words ring as true today as they did over half a century ago. Silence and inaction are unacceptable. Especially in the nonprofit world. My friends and colleagues in the nonprofit sector are among the most good hearted and open-minded people I know. But, when it comes to race and equity, many of us (and I definitely include myself) are still waking up to how much work there is to do. If you’ve read this far, you’ve probably been involved in conversations in recent months about the realities of race in the US, your local community, and the nonprofit sector. Talk may be cheap, but it is often an essential first step in the right direction. Some of your conversations may have been spontaneous, others may be by design. I’ve had both. In June, I invited two Saltzberg Consulting Associates, Monica McCann and Dondra Ward , who are both African American, to join me for open conversation on Zoom about our personal experiences with race in the nonprofit sector here in Maryland. The conversation was so inspiring that I wanted to share a few of the highlights here. Self-Segregation Among Nonprofits I asked Dondra and Monica how they felt about being Black women working in a field where white women are the norm. I was surprised by their answers. They basically said the same thing: It wasn’t an issue for them, because they grew up in Prince George’s County, which is predominantly African American, and most of the nonprofits they’ve worked with are made up of people of color. That gave me pause – and got me thinking about how self-segregated many nonprofit are. I know of a number of organizations where the entire staff and board are all white or all Black or all Jewish. Segregation Between Leadership and Staff While most nonprofits aren’t uniformly one race, religion, or ethnicity, there’s a troubling pattern in many of the nonprofits I’m familiar with. All too often, upper-management and board members are predominantly white, while middle-management and support staff are more likely to be people of color. Dondra, Monica, and I discussed why we think these different forms of self-segregation happen and agreed that in the past it may have been somewhat unconscious. As human beings, we seem to be wired to surround ourselves with people we have something in common with – a tendency that gets reflected in hiring practices. But with increasing emphasis on the importance of diversity, it’s hard to imagine that nonprofits are unaware that this is happening. But being aware isn’t always enough. Many of these organizations have been sweeping the issue of diversity under the rug for years – because they don’t want to talk about it, don’t want to prioritize it, and/or they don’t know what to do about it. Benefits of Diversity What’s unfortunate about the lack of diversity in the nonprofit sector is that it’s not benefiting anyone (outside of creating cozy comfort zones). There’s plenty of research to prove that diversity leads to greater innovation and efficacy. Here’s just one example: An article in the Harvard Business Review described testing that was done over a number of years on the way teams interact. The results consistently showed that diverse teams were able to solve problems faster than cognitively similar people. And other studies have shown that workers in diverse workplaces are more engaged and turnover is lower. This is all great news for the non-profit sector! By inviting greater staff diversity, organizations could increase effectiveness and deliver better outcomes. Creating More Diverse Nonprofits One of the valuable aspects of our conversation were the concrete ideas that came up for addressing some of these issues (most of which came from Monica and Dondra) including: Address White Privilege Skillfully: It’s good to keep in mind that people may not notice when they have privilege. An example was given of people who rely on lipreading and how they are having a really hard time with everyone wearing masks due to COVID-19. Being able to hear is a privilege that most people have and probably don’t think about. Talking about white privilege can make people defensive. It’s ok to talk about it anyway. Stay Open: The main tools for addressing ignorance and injustice are an open mind and an open heart. Fighting against other people’s opinions generally doesn’t work. Know Who’s at the Table : It’s important to have people with diverse points of view “at the table” – so one group of people isn’t trying to guess what another group of people needs. It’s valuable for nonprofits to literally look around the table at management and board meetings and see how well the communities they serve are represented – to see who’s missing and figure out how to include those missing voices. Follow the Money: Grant makers are playing an important role in advancing systemic change simply by asking nonprofits to respond to questions about equity and inclusion. Nonprofits that don’t take this seriously may disappear in the long run, due to a lack of funding. Enlist a Diverse Interview Panel: To achieve greater diversity among staff and board, start with a diverse panel of interviewers. Create Affirmative Action: Nonprofits can institute their own version of Affirmative Action, where they set quotas to intentionally diversify their organizations. Empower People to Grow into Their Roles: Instead of saying, “We can’t find a person of color to take this high-level position,” consider hiring someone with the training, potential, and enthusiasm to grow into the job. Create a Career Ladder: To create long-term, lasting diversity, nonprofits can create career ladder training opportunities for workers in entry level positions and support them as they move up through the organization. Empower Expression: To help convince leadership of the need to give more people a voice within the organization, nonprofits can create forums where staff can express the challenges they face because of a lack of diversity and lack of opportunities for advancement. Start Small: It’s important to keep in mind that this is a huge issue. It’s ok to take little steps, as they will eventually lead to larger change. Book Clubs… and Beyond Another Zoom conversation I participated in recently was hosted by the Maryland Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). It was an informal gathering of fundraisers and nonprofit executives who wanted to talk honestly about our experiences with race and equity and our aspirations for the future. The first thing that struck me about the group was how small it was – less than a dozen people. I expected such an important discussion would be well attended. I realize that everyone is busy and not everyone is excited to add another Zoom call to their schedule. Nonetheless, I think it’s telling that this was not the conversation that most white people were prioritizing. That said, it was a great discussion with a wide range of experiences and perspectives presented. I came away feeling both inspired and hopeful. Towards the end of the call, we talked about practical action steps that nonprofits, and the businesses that serve them, could take to raise awareness and shift organizational culture towards greater diversity. The reality is that Maryland nonprofits fall along a very broad spectrum, in terms of their interest and willingness to embrace change. Some organizations are ready to invest in consultants to help them move towards greater diversity or have already done so. Others are barely aware of the issues. For them, just starting a book club to discuss titles like So You Want to Talk About Race, White Fragility, and How to Be an Antiracist would be a major breakthrough. I applaud AFP for prioritizing this issue and hosting this discussion. They also did a great job of curating resources that organizations can use to move forward – regardless of their starting point. You’ll find their list at the bottom of this post. Final Thoughts I wrote this blog to remind myself and my readers that creating greater diversity and equity in the nonprofit sector is a big job, but we need to make it happen. I may not have an answer to the question that prompted this post, but I do know that we need to keep raising issues and moving forward until lasting change has been achieved. Resources Recommended by the Maryland Chapter of the Association for Fundraising Professionals: Associated Black Charities ( ) What Do You Think? I’d love to hear your thoughts about race and equity. Please use the Contact Form to reach me directly.
By Saltzberg Consulting 16 Mar, 2020
If you’ve applied for a grant from the State of Maryland, you know how fragmented the procedure can be. Every State agency does their own thing, and sometimes what one agency is asking for contradicts what another agency is requesting. Saltzberg Consulting, Maryland Nonprofits, and many nonprofit organizations in Maryland support two bills being considered by the General Assembly this session. Elise Saltzberg, founder of Saltzberg Consulting, submitted testimony in favor of Senate Bill 630 and House Bill 1539. If passed, these bills will create the “Maryland Efficient Grant Application Council” to address the issue.
By Elise Saltzberg 16 Mar, 2020
I don't have time for much reading, beyond what's needed to serve my clients. But I make time to read Vu Le. Vu is the creator of NonProfit AF , the weekly blog that takes a no-BS, slightly irreverent, and often humorous look at the nonprofit sector. He's also the co-author of Unicorns Unite: How Nonprofits and Foundations Can Build EPIC Partnerships . This week, Vu makes the case to foundations that now is the time to be generous with their funding, not to save their money for a rainy day. His analogy of firefighting with just 5% of your available water – so you can save the other 95% to fight future fires is perfect! With Vu's permission, I'm sharing his March 16th post below. You can also read his post here . Funders, this is the rainy day you have been saving up for Hi everyone. I hope you are doing OK amidst the Coronavirus pandemic. It’s scary. Take care of yourself while socially distancing. Most of us have never faced anything like this before, and we cannot take any chances. Cancel everything and stay home. I am in Seattle. My kids’ schools are closed for the next six weeks, possibly longer. It is going to be rough, but we are far luckier than most, as my partner and I both have flexible schedules. A lot of folks are hurting right now. Small business owners, people without sick leave, gig workers, folks without childcare, those who have no emergency savings, incarcerated people, people experiencing homelessness, disabled folks, kids who rely on school for food, those who are undocumented—all face daunting challenges with no foreseeable end date. Meanwhile, nonprofits face drastic reductions in revenues because of canceled events and other factors, which means we are less able to help during a time when we are most needed. Amidst all this, I got a message from a colleague saying that a foundation just informed its grantees that due to its corpus being affected by the stock market, in part because of the Coronavirus, it may cut down on funding, possibly not even be able to disburse committed funds. Foundations, I am begging you, if there was ever a time for you to increase your payout rate and get more money out the door, this is it. Please do not do what many of you did in 2008, when the markets tanked and people were crying out for help and many of you lowered your giving instead of increasing it. I know that you mean well. In your mind, you are thinking of the future. You think that if you spend beyond the 5% minimum payout rate as required by law, you will whittle down your corpus to nothing. You think of the future crises that humanity will face, and you want to be adequately resourced to handle them. You think that you are being prudent, saving up so that when society needs the funding the most, it is there. But the reality is that your prudence has perpetuated so many of the problems you are saving up to solve, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Imagine if there are wildfires raging—(you don’t need to imagine, we’ve had plenty and will get more)—and you have all this water available, but you only allow 5% of it to be used, so you can save the 95% of the water for future fires. But by not putting out the current fires, they continue to spread. The future fires are caused by the current fires that we do not put out. This line of thinking, of saving your corpus for a rainy day, has had severe consequences. Because of the lack of funding to advance environmental issues over decades, our planet has ten years left before climate change is irreversible. Because of the lack of funding for advocacy over decades, we have few safety nets. You are saving for a rainy day, but how much more water must fall, how many more people and communities must be swept away in the flood, before you will admit that it is raining? COVID-19 has already started changing everything. We already botched our chance to contain the virus, and are now on track to experience the horrors Italy is going through. Surviving, much less rebuilding, from this will take billions. During this time of fear, uncertainty, crumbling infrastructure, and the suffering of people across the globe, coupled with the lack of resources for nonprofits to do our work, we need foundations to go beyond the bare minimum that many of you are doing. We appreciate the flexibility of timelines and deliverables. It’s great that that some of you are converting project grants into general operating funds and gathering your peers to talk about how to be helpful to nonprofits as we struggle to meet rising demands at this time. However, you also need to immediately increase your payout rate . Whatever amount you’re giving out this year, double it. Double it and get it out the door fast and with as few grantwriting obstacles as possible. Get the money out to nonprofits that are feeding kids while schools are closed, preventing evictions as people lose income and can’t pay rent, supporting folks experiencing homelessness who can’t self-quarantine, helping older adults get meals and supplies during this period of isolation. Get funding out to hospitals and health clinics. Get funding out to artists and gig workers. Get funding out to advocacy organizations who are fighting for paid sick leave, increased wages, universal healthcare. Get funding out to intermediary organizations that are coordinating relief efforts. Get funding out to nonprofits and people in general. A silver lining of COVID-19 is that it is forcing us to question so many constructs that we take for granted. Why doesn’t the US have paid sick leave? Why don’t we have universal health care? Why are nonprofits scrambling to do so many things that should be done by a functioning government? I hope that when we overcome this pandemic, we will work to change these things. Of foundations, I would ask you to examine why you still adhere to the 5% minimum legally required payout rate. If this pandemic is not the time for transformative action, then when is? Please increase your payout rate. By giving more now in the present, you increase the chance that there will be a future. _______________________ If you enjoyed this post, I recommend that subscribe to Vu's blog .
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